作主祈人有什麼好?What’s good about registering as a Primary Supplicant?

In 隨想篇篇 by 阿編Leave a Comment



Grand Master had once explained, the merit of being a primary supplicant of a ceremony lies in sponsoring the mandala of worship, allowing all to attend an auspicious event.  Imagine your kindness to take on an increased share of the expenses to enable others to contribute what they can and quell the temple’s monetary worries.

Such a noble trait will generate immense merit.  While imperceptible, the act of seemingly superficial “giving money” is elevated to “giving dharma teachings” (allowing others to be nurtured by Buddha dharma) and “giving protection from fear” (alleviating temple’s resource stain and provide encouragement).  This sentiment of goodwill will be returned to you, in this and future lives, as the multiplication of your karmic affinity, unexpected help, and sustained connection with Buddha.

Can you think of a form of benefitting others that lets you “give money”, “give dharma teachings”, and “give protection from fears” all at once?  Very few.  But being a Primary Supplicant is definitely one.

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