
In 新聞 by Master LianrenLeave a Comment


為了避免新冠狀病毒傳播,登寶雷藏寺至三月底暫停對外開放,所有同修、拜懺、聚集活動均暫停舉行,請同門在家自行修法。在這期間如想來廟上香拜佛,歡迎來辦事處(舊廟 1930 Spencerville Road),本寺將備香支供大眾在大門外的天公爐上香,也歡迎繞「尊勝佛塔」,繞佛塔有無量功德,能夠積累資糧、消除業障、有息災增益的殊勝功德。

登寶雷藏寺理事會 敬啟

To prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), True Buddha Temple Maryland will be closed to the public till the end of  March.  All public and group activities are temporarily suspended.  Disciples are encouraged to continue with cultivation/prayers at home. 

For those who would like to visit the temple during this time, please stop by the old temple in Spencerville.  Incense sticks will be made available to be offered at the giant incense burner outside the front entrance. 

Visitors are also always welcome to circumambulate (walk around) the Usnisa Vijaya Dharani stupa to accrue merit.

Board of Directors
True Buddha Temple Maryland

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