
In 新聞 by 阿編1 Comment

為祈願登寶雷藏寺的建築執照早日獲得Montgomery County政府批准,特發起眾人共同持誦「瑤池金母心咒」一百萬遍迴向的活動。蓮生活佛說眾人共同的念力力量特別大。相信這次共同持咒必能感應佛力加持,令祈願圓滿。




弟子○○○謹願以持誦金母心咒○○遍的功德全部迴向給登寶雷藏寺登寶雷藏寺。祈請南無無極瑤池金母大天尊慈悲攝受,敕令登寶雷藏寺登寶雷藏寺所在地的Montgomery County政府迅速批准登寶雷藏寺登寶雷藏寺在蓮生活佛指定之位置建寺。並祈請金母加持登寶雷藏寺登寶雷藏寺建寺法財充足。建寺過程順利成就。


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We are looking for 50 chanting sponsors to each chant 20,000 times of the Golden Mother Mantra – Om JinMu Shiddhi Hum. Through the accumulation of ONE MILLION mantras, TBTM hopes to corral a collective prayer to invoke Golden Mother’s spiritual power and blessing to speed Montgomery County government’s approval of TBTM’s building permit.

To thank everyone’s friendship and strength, TBTM has arranged a special request for Seattle Rainbow Temple’s Acharya Lian Yin to perform a Yellow Jambhala fire offering, with all of the chanting sponsors as principal registrants. All merits from the homa will be dedicated to each of the sponsors.

For this important prayer, we ask that you do the “right chanting” instead of “leisure chanting”, which means to only chant and not do anything else in the mean time. Please wash your hands and rinse your mouth before each of your sessions. If you have an altar, we politely ask you to offer incense and pay homage to the Golden Mother before you start.

Chanting 20,000 times of Golden Mother mantra should take you 5 hours. Feel free to complete your 20,000 in separate sessions. After each session, please read the dedication prayer below:

I, _____ (your name), dedicate the merits of chanting _______ times of Golden Mother mantra to True Buddha Temple Maryland. I sincerely ask Golden Mother to help speed Montgomery County’s approval of the land use application and building permit for constructing a new monastery at the exact location assigned by Grand Master Lu. I also ask Golden Mother to bless TBTM with ample funds and a smooth and successful construction experience.

This activity begins today until November 15th. All sponsors need to complete their chantings no later than November 15. If you would like to join us and contribute 5 of your next month’s 720 hours of time, please reply below to register.

If you want to use someone else as the beneficiary for the Yellow Jambhala homa, please email us at service@truebuddha-md.org.

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Thanks to dharma brother Henry Yong @ Henry Yong Foto from Perth, Australia for contributing his awesome photo for the image banner presented on the home page.

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One Comment on “持誦百萬遍瑤池金母心咒祈求「登寶雷藏寺」建照儘快批准。大家一起來!”

  1. Tue, October 26, 2010 6:54:04 PM


    姓 名: 莲花振庆

    地 址: MALAYSIA


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