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8:00 PM師尊蒞臨圓覺堂開光
5月5日星期一9:00 AM師尊與總督、議長和國會議員會面
3:30 PM為尊勝塔開光安座暨剪綵及為表演台剪綵(由師尊及總督、議長、
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7:00 PM謝師宴
5月7日星期三9:00 AM師尊接受關島政要的拜訪
2:00 PM環島半日遊


Buddhist Leader to Visit Guam (reported by guampdn.com)

Feb. 24, 2014

A religious leader with millions of followers is scheduled to visit Guam in a few months.

In May, the True Buddha School Complete Enlightenment Temple will host its religious leader, Grand Master Lian-sheng, along with hundreds of his followers.

Born Sheng-Yen Lu, the grand master of the True Buddha School lives in Seattle but has millions of followers all over the world, which will account for the large entourage that will follow him to Guam.

Alice Chou, a TBS Complete Enlightenment Temple member who is helping to coordinate the grand master’s trip to Guam, said they have at least 400 hotel rooms booked and have hundreds of seats on two airlines — Eva Airlines and China Airlines — reserved for the grand master and many followers from Hong Kong.

She said many other disciples are making individual arrangements to travel here, and she anticipates at least 600 people will be on Guam to see the Buddhist school’s leader.

“We might even have as many as 1,000 people,” she said.

Tower Chen, retired University of Guam professor and now president of the board that runs the TBS Complete Enlightenment Temple, said they’ve explained to potential visitors that Guam’s hotel accommodations are limited.

“In Malaysia, he had thousands of people attending — we don’t have that room here, especially because the only time he had available for his visit was in May during Golden Week,” Chen said.

Golden Week is the longest vacation period of the year for many Japanese companies, which typically means thousands of Japanese people travel to various destinations, including Guam.

Guam partnership
TBS Complete Enlightenment Temple is the local chapter of True Buddha School, founded by Lu. Members of the local temple, which opened its doors on Feb. 1, 2011, invited him to the island to celebrate the new stupa. The group is building the Buddhist monument at the park adjacent to the Tamuning Mayor’s Office.

“We wanted to build a shrine in a public area to share who we are and reach out to the community,” said Tower Chen.

“We talked to the Tamuning mayor … about building the stupa, but we also asked them if there is anything they need. Because we want this to be a partnership, and we want to help the community.”

Chen said they discussed having a stage at the park that the community can use for events.

“It’s a good location because the kids can do performances at a place that’s safe — it’s near the mayor’s office, it has a tennis court and the fire department is right next door,” Chen said.

He said the stage was completed just before Christmas, noting that it was decorated with lights and figurines to celebrate the holiday season.

“It was beautiful and we were proud to be a part of that,” Chen said.

Now, the group is waiting for the stupa, which is being built in China, and is expected to arrive in the next several weeks.

“When it gets here, we will assemble it at the site,” Chen said.

Its completion will be celebrated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, with the grand master as the guest of honor.

“Then we will have a dharma ceremony,” Chen said. “We will try to show everyone how we practice.”

2014年12月28日,在蓮生活佛主持「黃財神護摩法會」之前中,代表關島政府的總督秘書長Franklin P. Arriola先生特地上台致詞:


我們誠懇期望 蓮生法王 盧師尊幫助關島的眾生心靈的成長,安居樂業。關島政府將盡全力協助蓮生法王及所有善信,能夠有一次舒適愉快的關島之行,我們期待與蓮生法王相會在關島。

屆時,關島總督將親自贈送蓮生法王珍貴的禮物,代表對蓮生活佛 盧勝彥法王最崇高的敬意和謝意。」



2013年12月26日星期四中午,由關島圓覺堂漢濤師兄、秀琴師姐、鄭貽師姐、台灣雷藏寺公關王資主師兄等人引薦關島總督秘書長Franklin P. Arriola先生拜會蓮生活佛盧勝彥法王,Arriola先生並誠摯邀請蓮生法王前往關島,為建於公共公園的尊勝咒幢(關島政府命名為世界和平塔)開光安座。



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