2022 捐米濟貧活動 Rice Donation Drive

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捐米濟貧 慶賀蓮生活佛聖誕

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為慶祝真佛宗根本上師蓮生法王78歲壽誕(農曆5月18日),登寶雷藏寺一如往年將以捐米濟貧的功德來為師佛祝壽,感恩法王慈悲度眾不捨一個眾生。所有捐米善款將用於購買白米捐贈本寺當地最具規模的食物銀行(Manna Food Center)。Manna Food Center將分發白米給貧窮家庭及分派給大華府其他濟貧機構例如 soup kitchens 等等,這是一件大善事也是大功德!去年2021籌到的善款突破一萬磅白米,期盼今年在這物價上漲的時期仍能突破一萬磅,救濟許多需要幫助的家庭。 請大家發心樂捐,甚至告訴親朋好友一起參加!



  1. 歡迎聯絡本寺(301)421-9298,預約親自前來捐款。
  2. 或寄支票至本寺辦事處地址:
    True Buddha Temple Maryland Admin Office
    1930 Spencerville Road
    Spencerville, MD 20868
  3. 或用PayPal支付(PayPal 帳號:service@truebuddha-md.org)。


Greetings from TBTM! Amitofo!

The annual rice donation drive is upon us again! Each year we celebrate the birthday of our Root Lineage Guru Grand Master H. H. Living Buddha Lian-sheng, by raising funds to purchase rice to donate to the local food bank: Manna Food Center. Manna Food Center will distribute the rice to needy families, as well as to other community charity organizations such as soup kitchens. This is a tremendous alms-giving event that will generate great merit! Last year we were able to raise enough funds to purchase 10,000 pounds of rice. This year we hope to hit 10,000 pounds again despite the rising cost of rice! Please donate from heart and with joy, and tell friends and family about our endeavor!

The rice drive will end on June 30th. Donation of any amount is welcome!

Donation methods:

  1. Call the temple directly (301) 421-9298 to schedule a visit to pay in-person.
  2. Or, mail a check to the temple admin office address:
    True Buddha Temple Maryland Admin Office
    1930 Spencerville Road
    Spencerville, MD 20868
  3. Or, use PayPal to pay (Temple’s PayPal ID: service@truebuddha-md.org)

Thank you!

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